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Empowering Youth-Led Climate Action

FEATURING: Zanagee Artis, Founder and Executive Director of Zero Hour 

Join us as we embark on the Season 2 premiere of The Impact Agenda with renaissance woman, Majora Carter. Majora’s impressive repertoire includes being a real estate developer, urban revitalization strategy consultant, MacArthur Fellow, and Peabody Award-winning broadcaster.


In this captivating episode, Majora delves into the meaning behind her iconic quote displayed on the walls of the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture in DC: "Nobody should have to move out of their neighborhood to live in a better one." Learn more about Majora's visionary approach to reclaiming and transforming low-status communities into thriving, inclusive, and prosperous neighborhoods as we explore project examples like Bronxlandia and the vibrant Boogie Down Grind Cafe, where community engagement and sustainable practices create spaces that empower and uplift.

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